Booker T. Washington speaking in New Orleans, 1915. |
Exposition Speech
T. Washington
1908 recreation
Was Booker T. Washington a kiss-ass?
I know less about this topic that you do, I bet. A cursory
listen to this excerpt from the African American leader’s famous,
attention-grabbing speech leads to examination of the whole text of it, and
more research.
The most masterful outline of the recording and its context
is available here
from Professor Jacqueline M. Moore. Washington, born a slave, was a self-made
man who worked in mills and mines to make enough money to pay for his advanced education.
He rose in expertise and esteem in the black community, eventually assuming the
founding leadership post at the prestigious Tuskegee Institute for black
students, in Alabama.
His speech was originally given at the Cotton States and
International Exhibition in Atlanta on September 18, 1895. In it, he strikes a
conservative tone – one that turned him overnight into the go-to black
authority for the white establishment of the day.
Washington’s views are accomodationist. He advises black
people famously to “’Cast down your bucket where you are’” – to be happy with
your lot, as it were –“cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the
people of all races by whom we are surrounded.” “By whom we are surrounded” is
a telling phrase. Without knowing more about Washington’s acts and words, I
believe he’d describe himself as pragmatic. The black population of American in
1895 was not substantially better off than it had been in 1865. The Plessy vs. Ferguson Supreme Court
decision of 1896 would endorse complete segregation, until the protests,
violence, and reforms of the Civil Rights era.
Washington saw economic power as the leverage that would
provide black people with political power, rather than the other way round. He
urged them to cooperate humbly with the white race for the benefit of both,
meanwhile assuring whites that blacks were not only concerned with equal
rights, but happy to live in complete separation, save for when they were
needed for some servile task. He touts the black race as far superior (and more
cost-effective) than immigrants as laborers.
The idea that the African American population of 8 million
people would know, as one, its “place” was a public declaration that reassured
the general population, preserved the unspoken differences between races, and
put serious reform to sleep for half a century. Lynchings proceeded apace, and
the Ku Klux Klan’s near-rise to national power took place in the 1920s.
Assuredly, there were a few detractors, and many more radical activists, such
as W.E.B. DuBois, rejected what came to be called “the Atlanta Compromise”
Washington is what is condescendingly used as a description
of an articulate African American person, “well-spoken.” It seems this has been
the key to white acceptance down the years; Martin Luther King was well-spoken,
Sidney Poitier was well-spoken, and so on. In fact, I believe a black person
has to be about 10 times better-spoken than the average white person to be considered
well-spoken. That President Obama is a terrific writer and masterful orator
stands by itself, but undoubtedly a shred or two of his appeal relates to that
idea of a black person possessed of white “correctness.” (Thank God, the
President is funny, has teenagers in his house, and makes his own playlists,
and so becomes seemingly comprehensible as a person to me.) His presentation as
a reasonable person made him acceptable.
The speech worked. Washington received millions for
Tuskegee, which educated several generations of pivotal American figures.
Washington became a voice at least for a time, helping as best he could. It is
interesting to contemplate what his rich white donors would have thought if
they had known that Washington was funding anti-segregationist and anti-voting
rights efforts on the sly. What if this speech was calculated, in part, to put
the racist establishment to sleep?
Gradualism in human rights did not work in America better
than it did anywhere else. It is arguable that things are worse for African
Americans now than they were in 1965. It seems that rights are won, racists are
conquered, and the eye blinks and it’s all slid back to where it was before,
and we have to suffer through it again.
So the answer, I think, is yes and no. In the speech,
Washington straddles the contradictions in a single sentence when he says, “The
wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social
equality is the extremest folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges
that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather
than of artificial forcing.”
National Recording Registry Project tracks one writer’s expedition through all
the recordings in the National Recording Registry in chronological order. Up
next: ‘You’re a Grand Old Flag.’
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